XML List Summary Function

The XML List Summary function wraps XML around the properties of a list of content that’s created as a list summary in the Ektron CMS400.NET Workarea. Once created, you can use the XML to display the list summary information. The ecmListSummaryXML function allows you to easily define how the list summary data appears on the Web page.

Shown here is the format of the ecmListSummaryXML function.

<% ecmListSummaryXML



The ecmListSummaryXml function attributes are explained below.





This is the folder the summary information will come from.

See Also: Starting Folder

Any folder


Allow the tag to get summary info from the child folders.

See Also: Recursive

0 = Not Recursive

1 = Recursive


Order the hyperlinks by:

See Also: Order By







Order the hyperlinks in ascending or descending order.




Maximum number of summaries returned.

See Also: . Max Number

0 (Zero) = Unlimited


Determines whether the list summary is for the folder or a single piece of content.

For example:

If the Folder property = \books and “Folder” is chosen as the ObjType, the list summary for the folder with books appears.

If the Folder property = 1 and you choose “Content” as the ObjType, a single summary for content with an ID = 1 appears.

See Also: Single Summary Function


The default ObjType is “Folder” when left blank.





Used as a filter, this property determines the type of content that appears in the list summary. The default is “Content” when left blank.

“AllTypes” - displays all of the content types for the given folder.

“Content” - displays a list of content blocks.

“Forms” - forms appear in the list summary.

“Archive_Content” - archived content blocks appear in the list summary.

“Archive_Forms” - archived forms appear in the list summary.

“Assets” - assets, such as offices documents, appear in the list summary.

“Archive_Assets” - archived assets appear in the list summary.

“LibraryItem” - library items appear in the list summary.

“NonLibraryContent” - all types of content appear in the list summary except for library items.

When using the XML list summary function, the following tags are created around the properties of each item in the list summary.

XML Tags



Declares a new section of content in the XML collection.


The content block ID.

For example:



The title of the content block.

For example:

<Title>HTML for the World Wide Web with XHTML and CSS</Title>


The quicklink associated with the content block.

For example:




The summary of the content block.

For example:

<Teaser>The easiest HTML book weve seen that still manages to be comprehensive.</Teaser>


The content block’s start date formatted as a .NET date type

For example:

<StartDate>1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM</StartDate>


The last date the content block was modified.

For example:

<DateModified>1/19/2005 4:18:06 PM</DateModified>


The date the content block stops running on the Web site

For example:

<EndDate>12/31/9999 12:00:00 AM</EndDate>


The first name of the last person who edited the content block.

For example:



The last name of the last person who edited the content block.

For example:



The content block’s start date. It is formatted as a string that represents Ektron CMS400’s display of the date.


The ID of the folder in which the content block is contained.

For example:



The status of the content block.


The language of the content block.

For example:



edited. It is formatted as a string that represents Ektron CMS400’s display of the date.

For example:

<DisplayDateModified>1/19/2005 4:18:06 PM</DisplayDateModified>


The content block’s end date. It is formatted as a string that represents Ektron CMS400’s display of the date.

For example:

<DisplayEndDate>12/31/9999 12:00:00 AM</DisplayEndDate>

Here is how the raw XML list summary output appears before an XSLT is applied.



<Title>ASP.NET Unleashed</Title>


<Teaser><p><em>ASP.NET Unleashed, Second Edition</em> is really big, really thorough, and really <i>good</i>.</p></Teaser>

<StartDate>1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM</StartDate>

<DateModified>1/12/2005 7:53:31 PM</DateModified>

<EndDate>12/31/9999 12:00:00 AM</EndDate>







<DisplayDateModified>1/12/2005 7:53:31 PM</DisplayDateModified>





<Title>Microsoft ASP.NET Programming with Microsoft Visual C#.NET</Title>


<Teaser><p>Teach yourself how to write high-performance Web applications with ASP.NET and Visual C# .NET--one step at a time.</p></Teaser>

<StartDate>1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM</StartDate>

<DateModified>1/4/2005 7:16:21 PM</DateModified>

<EndDate>12/31/9999 12:00:00 AM</EndDate>







<DisplayDateModified>1/4/2005 7:16:21 PM</DisplayDateModified>



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